
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

Ok... so that's me.  I'm the liar, liar, pants on fire.  I thought I would be able to do this silly blog every day, but I've been busy.  So, I kinda, sorta forgot about it.  Not really, 'cause I just wasn't sure what I was supposed to be doin'.... so that's my excuse, yeah, that's my story & I'm stickin' to it.  Anyhoot, I asked King Turd if he would mind helpin' me out.  And he pointed out a few things that were right in front of my face... can you say duh?  He's my computer tech ... he figures out all this cool stuff & does it.  Then I, of course, bug him to death until he figures it out for me.  <evil grin> 

So I've been busy & I'll try & do better, but no promises this time.

Bye, Love ya!  Have a good day Dear!

1 comment:

  1. Don't'll get the hang of it. And you don't have to write every day you know. Check out the other blogs and you'll get ideas. Blogger has a list. Or you can click on next way up at the top to just see a random blog. Hang in there you're doing good!


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