
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Don't you have a 'Jam Room'?

Just spent the better part of the morning & afternoon cleaning up the 'Jam Room'.... What's a 'Jam Room' you ask?  Why, I'll tell you what a 'Jam Room' is, thanks for asking!  You probably have one - or at least a closet, cupboard or drawer that you do the same thing to.  It's a room you jam everything into!  Over the winter we'd been shoving things in there - wherever they'd fit and it had gotten really out of control.

About a week ago I finally got to the very bottom of the laundry.  You know, the stuff that you shove off to the side to get the more important - stuff you need daily - done.  And I started washing winter coats & snow pants, etc. to either store for next year or get rid of.  Well, there is an old metal wardrobe in the 'Jam Room' where we store outside winter clothing, but because of all the crap in front it I couldn't put the clean coats away.  Hence, the hoeing out today.

When I got into the wardrobe, I found MORE coats that haven't been worn for at least a year.  So I dumped those out on the floor, & put the clean coats in.  I have some super-cheap clear garbage bags that put over the top of them.  So my family knows that if it has a garbage bag on it that it's been laundered.  All but 3 items in the pile of 3 vests, 3 jackets, 4 coats & 1 raincoat were King Turd's.  The Princess kept her coat (for when her adopted sisters come in the winter) and I got rid of 1 jacket & my raincoat.  I consulted the King (as I won't get rid of his crap stuff unless he says ok - this purging/decluttering journey is mine) and he was able to part with 2 of the jackets and 1 vest.  The rest went back into the wardrobe..... not as much as I had hoped, but at least it's a start.

Enough dawdling, time to get back to work.... maybe I can get a few more things accomplished today!

Bye! Love you! Have a good day, Dear!

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