
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cold Weather Is Here...

Well, I think the cold weather has finally hit us.  Today is a damp, cold & rainy day.  We broke down & turned on the pellet stove in the living room.  I think the dogs & the cat are ecstatic.  A couple of weeks ago I put the electric mattress pad on the bed, last night I added the soft, fuzzy polar fleece blanket under the quilt we had on top.  It was better.... except for the nasty hot flashes that make me go from frying-to-freezing in no time flat.

King Turd of Poop Mountain mentioned that 12 years ago tomorrow the weather was warmer & it was a beautiful day.  Our wedding day.  It was a small, gathering - only close family & friends.  We go back every year to the restaurant we had our reception at for our Anniversary dinner.  This year will be no exception.  My mom has already volunteered to take the Lego King for the weekend.  The Princess is going to her fathers for the weekend.

Having chicken & penne for dinner - King Turd makes the best.  Think I'll try & whip up that cheesecake in the crockpot for dessert.  We have half a ham to do tomorrow night (my mom sent it up, saying SHE couldn't eat it all... why does she buy such big pieces of meat?  She did mention that she thought she might like a slice of it though).  Thinking that this week needs to be warm & yummy food for this week. 

I have yet to make up a menu plan.  I know it can't be harder than I'm making it but, I just can't get past it.  Everyone says it's so helpful to have a menu plan.  And others say that it's not a big deal if you don't follow it exactly.... then will someone tell me the point of making a menu plan if you don't follow it? 

Have any menu planning hints that would kick my butt in motion?

Bye!  Love you!  Have a good day, Dear!


  1. I can't seem to do the "menu plan" game either. Sometimes while I'm planning out my shopping list, I'll jot down a few different meals I have in mind on the back of my list. And that seems to help - I have gone back to the list during the week to remember... "Oh yeah, I have the stuff for taco salad!" Maybe that IS a menu plan? (If it's not taken too seriously I don't feel as bound by it?)

  2. Hope you guys had a nice anniversary! I've been menu planning for a couple of months and it has helped quite a bit. When I do my planning I get input from my husband and we can discuss what's on the agenda for the upcoming week (work schedules, extra curricular activities, etc). Menu planning also helps with grocery shopping since I know what I'll need. You just needs to do what works for you.


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