Well the summer is really winding down. Our first Superintendent's Conference Day is Thursday. Hopefully I will find out what my assignment will be. If not, I will know on September 4th. The.Day.Before.School.Starts!! I know, I know, I know!!! I'd like to be a little bit settled before I greet students on the 5th. *sigh* I know I have a job, in the Middle School, where I wanted to be. Doing what? Who knows. So I just can't sweat it. I will know almost all of the 7th & 8th Graders. Hopefully, I'll get to meet some of the incoming 6th Graders too.
I've been working on the Jam Room a little bit today. It's really starting to get out of control & bother me quite a bit. I've tossed lots of plastic ware in a box. I think I might ask Bigfoot & Bigfootess if they'd like to look through it & take what they want. They're looking into buying a house. Not sure how well that will go. I don't think they're as prepared as they'd like to be money-wise. That will come as they learn more about the buying a home. They're going to get another snake. (insert shivers & ooglieness). They have a ball python now. I told them that I'd let them have my first grandchild instead of a snake. They didn't go for that. My mother & I are terrified of snakes. We won't be visiting unannounced and even then we won't step into the house until they confirm that everything oogly is put away under lock & key. AND it's well hidden from our eyes. Anyhoot, I'm hoping to make some progress on that room before Thursday.
After riding my bike yesterday for the first time in a couple of years I was able to break through this s-l-o-w weight loss wall that I've maintained for about 2 weeks. It was only a half pound, but now I'm just 3 pounds away from the weight I was 7 years ago. It's only 19 lbs. since January but, it is going away.
I've been looking for a pedometer for the past 6 months. I've turned away quite a few since I've looked. I've read reviews & looked at prices. I decided I wanted a pocket pedometer. One that I could put in my pocket & not have to clip someplace. Then, I read the reviews about not getting correct step counts, resetting on their own, blah, blah, blah. Well, the other day King T & the Lego King and I went to a local mall to 'get out & do something' (someone was getting bored of staying home & recovering from surgery... but I won't mention any names). At Olympia Sports they had a pedometer that you wore like a watch by a company called Mio. I bought it... tried it... hated it.... took it back. It only started counting steps after 10 steps. Then, if you quit moving for a few minutes, the step counter turned off & you had to push the start button to have it go again. Definitely NOT something I'm going to remember to do every time I move. So, I did some more research & found a thing called a Fitbit. Ever heard of it? I was impressed. It will count all of my steps & my stair climbing & upload all by its little self to the computer when I get home! It will track how much sleep I get if I wear it to bed. And I can even wear it when I'm dressed up & all snazzy & stuff because it can hook to my bra!! I bit the bullet & paid the big bucks (average price is about $100). I can't wait until it gets here.
The advantage of King Turd having gastric bypass is that he has to be more active. That in turn makes me more active and the trickle down affect is that it makes the kids more active. Leading them to have a healthier future. I continue to weed out prepackaged foods & look for high protein, low fat, low carb meals instead. That's one of the big changes for King T. He MUST get in a certain amount of protein every day, so I've been trying to look at labels more & think a little more about how & what I cook. A simple change that we will make is switching from regular yogurt (plain has 16 g of protein) to Greek yogurt (plain has 22 g of protein). I have to figure out how to use our rice cooker to steam veggie as we're going to try & do that more too. Small changes... a little at a time.
Hopefully, I will keep on movin' and get all that I want accomplished done... eventually. What are you doing this last week of summer vacation?
Bye! Love you! Have a good day, Dear!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
Hey, Ya'll Watch This!
You know that Redneck saying that starts out 'Hey, ya'll watch this!', then everything proceeds to go awry? I think that's how my summer has ended up. I thought I would be posting once or twice a week, and here I haven't posted but, once a month. I've left you hanging on a few things, the search for Adam, my husband's surgery, my progress on organizing. This week has seemed the craziest yet! For the most part, the craziness has ended on a good note or just ended. I'll try to fill you in, in the order that they happened.
Adam: The search for Adam still continues. I really feel at this point in time that he is dead. There has been no contact from him at all & he's missed important events that we all know he wouldn't miss. There has been no activity on any of his accounts, he hasn't been to his job, called anyone or seen by anyone. There have been two separate occasions where people have gone to two psychics from the area & both have said that he's within 3 miles of his house. I personally had a dream that he was hugging his grandfather who died years ago. Currently family & friends are meeting nights & searching the area woods, step by step. I can't help with that because I know that I wouldn't be able to get that sight out of my head. EVER. So I do what I can & continue to pray.
King Turd of Poop Mountain: The King's gastric bypass surgery went really well. Originally it was scheduled for August 1st, but they called and moved it up to July 30th. He was the first surgery of the day, so we had to be up there bright & early. Did you realize that there are two 3:30's in a day? Ugh, neither did I. I hope I don't have to see that again anytime soon. The doctors, nurses and staff were absolutely wonderful and very attentive. I was able to bring him home on Thursday. I was worried that he'd try & do too much (as per his personality) but, he's been a very good boy & has not. He's been eating what he's supposed to (liquids only until this week) very thin 'gruel'. Proteins in first & then sip, sip, sip liquids to stay hydrated all day. We're still adjusting & it will take time. Currently I'm trying to use up all of the 'bad food' and get it out of the house so that I can replace it with a healthier version.
As for getting things done around here? Hahahahahhaaa! What a laugh. You can check out my high hopes here in this particular post. Between running here & there & everywhere and being the only driver (until today - King T can now drive again) I was a little busy.
My Redneck month started when I brought The King home from the hospital. Then our cat, Stubby, went missing and is still gone. I am devastated. We've searched & called & contacted neighbors. I am so sad that we can't find him. The whole family has had a variety of appointments. Add to that, the Princess has a job as a dishwasher/food runner/kitchen staff at a local restaurant and her hours are generally 4 or 5 until closing. Which runs sometime between midnight & 1:30 a.m. and I have to go get her. Then add those appointments almost every day in August - you know, so that you're ready for school.
This week put a real twist on crazy, the thing is, is that so much happened that I've got my days mixed up. I can't remember what happened first & that bothers me. So sometime this week the following happened:
My best-friend asked if I would help her look at an apartment, not that that's crazy. She's the girl who has, all her life done for others, she's a nurse, that's what she does. Now though, she's gotten to the point where she feels she needs to make a change. She & I both hate change, I think that's why we get along so well. Anyhow, she's nervous about having her own place & making it on her own. I think that she deserves to do for herself & that it would make her stronger as a person.
A notice was sent out from school about a job opening for the Math Learning Center. I applied. I found out that a couple of other people did too. When I handed in my Letter of Interest, the secretary said that they had to do 'Call Backs' first. Crap. We'll see. I'll find out August 30th where I'll be & what I'll be doing for the year.
My mother needed me to go with her to Lowe's with our trailer to pick up some lattice for her back deck that she's having re-done. Long story short. My mother had a stroke about 10 years ago & her memory for numbers isn't as good as it used to be (which bothers her as she was an Account Clerk for the County before she retired). So anyhoot, we get there & she didn't measure before we came. Who goes to Lowe's for a specific item that you need to know a specific amount and you don't measure? Then she drove me crazy when we got back saying that we needed to go back & get something else because she couldn't think how to fix the situation. She just needed to add a couple of 2x4's in a few spots to make the lattice that she did get work. *sigh* So we got that worked out.
Oh, I forgot... in between all this, part of King T's healing process involves a lot of walking. So, Bigfoot & Bigfootess had brought over a treadmill for him. Both the King & I were using it. We wore it out & it quit. So, our SIL had one that she said we could have. The craziness was I needed to get this big, dead honker out of my bedroom & get the other one home, up the steps & in there instead. With no help. *gulp*
So (hopefully) the last craziness. Another friend just moved & had stuff that needed to go to the landfill, but they didn't have a trailer. She was totally stressed about the junk that they had to get rid of just sitting around forever. I was totally stressed about moving the treadmills & NOT having King T help & hurt himself. Then *bink* the light bulb went on. She has 3 strong boys plus her husband!! So they helped relieve my stress by moving the treadmills for me and I let them use our trailer to haul junk away.
She calls me the next day. Her 12 year old daughter was out riding her bike and got hit by a car. She & I have known each other for almost 20 years. We have children the same age (born within days of each other). Her daughter is the same age as The Lego King. I was sick. They took her by helicopter to the hospital. And my friend was calling for prayers & phone numbers to call a few other people on their way. I immediately contacted fellow prayer warriors to pray. And by the grace of God, she came away with a minor concussion, a bruised lung, bruised bones & severe road rash. No permanent damage. Thank God she was wearing a GOOD bike helmet. It took a 2"x3" chunk out of her helmet. They were able to bring her home that night. I haven't been down to see her, but her mom sent pictures & she is in pretty rough shape.
God's grace... that's all we're living by.... God's grace.
Bye! Love you! Have a good day, Dear!
Adam: The search for Adam still continues. I really feel at this point in time that he is dead. There has been no contact from him at all & he's missed important events that we all know he wouldn't miss. There has been no activity on any of his accounts, he hasn't been to his job, called anyone or seen by anyone. There have been two separate occasions where people have gone to two psychics from the area & both have said that he's within 3 miles of his house. I personally had a dream that he was hugging his grandfather who died years ago. Currently family & friends are meeting nights & searching the area woods, step by step. I can't help with that because I know that I wouldn't be able to get that sight out of my head. EVER. So I do what I can & continue to pray.
King Turd of Poop Mountain: The King's gastric bypass surgery went really well. Originally it was scheduled for August 1st, but they called and moved it up to July 30th. He was the first surgery of the day, so we had to be up there bright & early. Did you realize that there are two 3:30's in a day? Ugh, neither did I. I hope I don't have to see that again anytime soon. The doctors, nurses and staff were absolutely wonderful and very attentive. I was able to bring him home on Thursday. I was worried that he'd try & do too much (as per his personality) but, he's been a very good boy & has not. He's been eating what he's supposed to (liquids only until this week) very thin 'gruel'. Proteins in first & then sip, sip, sip liquids to stay hydrated all day. We're still adjusting & it will take time. Currently I'm trying to use up all of the 'bad food' and get it out of the house so that I can replace it with a healthier version.
As for getting things done around here? Hahahahahhaaa! What a laugh. You can check out my high hopes here in this particular post. Between running here & there & everywhere and being the only driver (until today - King T can now drive again) I was a little busy.
My Redneck month started when I brought The King home from the hospital. Then our cat, Stubby, went missing and is still gone. I am devastated. We've searched & called & contacted neighbors. I am so sad that we can't find him. The whole family has had a variety of appointments. Add to that, the Princess has a job as a dishwasher/food runner/kitchen staff at a local restaurant and her hours are generally 4 or 5 until closing. Which runs sometime between midnight & 1:30 a.m. and I have to go get her. Then add those appointments almost every day in August - you know, so that you're ready for school.
This week put a real twist on crazy, the thing is, is that so much happened that I've got my days mixed up. I can't remember what happened first & that bothers me. So sometime this week the following happened:
My best-friend asked if I would help her look at an apartment, not that that's crazy. She's the girl who has, all her life done for others, she's a nurse, that's what she does. Now though, she's gotten to the point where she feels she needs to make a change. She & I both hate change, I think that's why we get along so well. Anyhow, she's nervous about having her own place & making it on her own. I think that she deserves to do for herself & that it would make her stronger as a person.
A notice was sent out from school about a job opening for the Math Learning Center. I applied. I found out that a couple of other people did too. When I handed in my Letter of Interest, the secretary said that they had to do 'Call Backs' first. Crap. We'll see. I'll find out August 30th where I'll be & what I'll be doing for the year.
My mother needed me to go with her to Lowe's with our trailer to pick up some lattice for her back deck that she's having re-done. Long story short. My mother had a stroke about 10 years ago & her memory for numbers isn't as good as it used to be (which bothers her as she was an Account Clerk for the County before she retired). So anyhoot, we get there & she didn't measure before we came. Who goes to Lowe's for a specific item that you need to know a specific amount and you don't measure? Then she drove me crazy when we got back saying that we needed to go back & get something else because she couldn't think how to fix the situation. She just needed to add a couple of 2x4's in a few spots to make the lattice that she did get work. *sigh* So we got that worked out.
Oh, I forgot... in between all this, part of King T's healing process involves a lot of walking. So, Bigfoot & Bigfootess had brought over a treadmill for him. Both the King & I were using it. We wore it out & it quit. So, our SIL had one that she said we could have. The craziness was I needed to get this big, dead honker out of my bedroom & get the other one home, up the steps & in there instead. With no help. *gulp*
So (hopefully) the last craziness. Another friend just moved & had stuff that needed to go to the landfill, but they didn't have a trailer. She was totally stressed about the junk that they had to get rid of just sitting around forever. I was totally stressed about moving the treadmills & NOT having King T help & hurt himself. Then *bink* the light bulb went on. She has 3 strong boys plus her husband!! So they helped relieve my stress by moving the treadmills for me and I let them use our trailer to haul junk away.
She calls me the next day. Her 12 year old daughter was out riding her bike and got hit by a car. She & I have known each other for almost 20 years. We have children the same age (born within days of each other). Her daughter is the same age as The Lego King. I was sick. They took her by helicopter to the hospital. And my friend was calling for prayers & phone numbers to call a few other people on their way. I immediately contacted fellow prayer warriors to pray. And by the grace of God, she came away with a minor concussion, a bruised lung, bruised bones & severe road rash. No permanent damage. Thank God she was wearing a GOOD bike helmet. It took a 2"x3" chunk out of her helmet. They were able to bring her home that night. I haven't been down to see her, but her mom sent pictures & she is in pretty rough shape.
God's grace... that's all we're living by.... God's grace.
Bye! Love you! Have a good day, Dear!
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