
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Am I That Evil?

Am I THAT evil that you can't even let me in on what's going on?  I just found out that my former Mother-In-Law was not doing well.... she's 85...  She's one of those people who you just can't tell bad Mother-In-Law jokes about, she's so nice. 

Anyhow, on Friday, on the way home from school, the Princess mentioned that her father & his girlfriend had called & asked about her visitation this weekend.... saying that they would really like her to be there, that they were going to eat at Nana's house.... The Princess said that they didn't tell her anything else but they just 'sounded weird'.... like they were holding something back.

Come to find out, they were.  She has NOT been doing well at all.  She is not recognizing places or people.  She hasn't been taking her medication, she has a urinary tract infection.  This woman has been her church organist since she was 16 years old.  She refused to touch the piano for the past 2 weeks.  She is the choir director & organist; she plays piano quartet; she plays live every weekend at a local 4-star restaurant; she plays for numerous organizations & goes weekly to local nursing homes to play for shut-ins.  So, for her to not touch a piano for the past 2 weeks is disturbing - you KNOW something is really wrong.  They think it may be Alzheimer's.  Her only sibling, her sister, has it - they say it's hereditary.

Her oldest son, put a deposit on a room at a local assisted living facility.  She goes back & forth between understanding what's being said to wondering what she's done so wrong to have them say she has to go there.  It's devastating.  They're planning on moving her in tomorrow.

On a bright note, the Princess did get Nana to play piano with her.  She had taken lessons from Nana for quite awhile and played songs that she was taught.  She said that she 'messed up' a little on purpose hoping that Nana would come & 'help' her..... She did.... Which brought a sigh of relief & a smile to everyone's face.  Bigfoot & the Princess are the favorite grandchildren - it's because they have always lived within 5 miles of their grandparents & have always been around a lot. 

So, *sigh*, hopefully I showed my ex, that I am NOT that evil.  I can't change what he thinks he knows about me or thinks he remembers about me.  But, I did let him know that I'm here, that I'm concerned.

Prayers for her would be appreciated - her name is Ella.

Bye!  Love you!  Have a good day, Dear!


  1. Having been a caretaker for my mom, I want to warn you that UTI's can cause dementia symptoms in the elderly. Please see if her doctor can give her a stronger antibiotic, also if they could have her drink plenty of water, also cranberry juice to help flush the toxins from her system. Since she is having moments of lucidity it sounds like this is what is going on. I pray that she doesn't have Alzheimers. God Bless.

  2. Thanks, Heather. I did mention that to my ex when he dropped the Princess off. He said that they're giving her antibiotics & are making sure that she is drinking. She's gained 4 lbs in 2 weeks. She's so little she doesn't have much weight to lose.


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