
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Big Plans

February Break!!  I can't wait.  I have Big Plans!  Ok.... so maybe they're not like, you know, BIG PLANS.  But there are a bunch of things I want to do and get accomplished.  So I think that the best plan of attack for getting my big-list-o'-stuff in my brain is to write it all down.  Then I can maybe pick & choose. 

I'd really like to work on the Jam Room.  The downstairs hallway is pretty bad.  Then I can't forget my craft room.  Then there is my desk.  And I really shouldn't forget my bedroom. 

Hmmmm, that's kind of a lot isn't it?  Considering that I've been invited for a day of cheesecake & wine at a friend's house.  I also told the Lego King that he could have a friend over.  And I'm sure that the Princess will want to have a friend or two over too.  And a friend asked me to babysit her dogs & guinea pig - at her house (so I have to let them out in the morning, afternoon & night).

Dang... maybe I must rethink my Big Plans...

Guess I'd better 'organize' my thoughts & plans before I 'organize' my crap stuff.... much purging should be done too.

What are your Big Plans for February Break?

Bye!  Love you!  Have a good day, Dear!


  1. What the heck is "February Break"? Never heard of it. We get a Spring Break the last week of March. Dang. My plans would be to sleep. Alot. A day of cheesecake and wine sounds good too...

  2. February Break is aka President's Day Week... No school before we have a looooong stretch with NO BREAKS at all.... aacckkk!!!

  3. I do this same thing every time I have a chunk of time off...and then I end up doing like a load of laundry. hahaha


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