
Thursday, July 14, 2011


I am so disgusted with myself.  I had a $65 rebate coming.... since May..... all I had to do was fill out the paperwork & send in the ends of the boxes.... All the paperwork was basically filled out by the doctor's office... all I had to do was do the mailing part....

Guess what I didn't do.... nope... didn't send it in on time.... know when it was due?  2 days ago.... yes, TWO DAYS AGO....

All because my desk looks like a disaster area.  All because I don't have a system in place.... All because I've been procrastinating.... Dumb, dumb, dumb....

How many other things have I lost out on by procrastinating?  How much time & money have I lost out on because 'I had better things to do with my time'.

THAT is precisely the reason I want to declutter our home.  Get rid of stuff that is taking up time & brain power to manage waste.  I don't have time to waste, nor money to waste for that matter.

I have a plan in my mind of what I want my 'Control Center' to look like.  I have all of the supplies to do it.  The thing I don't have right now, right this minute, is time to complete it.  I have to FOCUS.  Focus, focus, focus on getting this house decluttered.  I have until the 23rd to get the majority of it done. 

I want to reward myself with time to spend in my craft room.  Organizing it.  'Playing in it.'  Creating in it.  So that means - right now, for just a little over a week more I MUST FOCUS on getting this house decluttered.  Then I can play.

Organizing my craft room will be 'play' to me.  I'm excited to do that, it doesn't seem like work when I'm in there doing things like that.

No more excuses.... I MUST FOCUS and be less wasteful...

Shall I bend over so you have a clear shot to kick me in the butt?  Feel free to prod me along!

Bye! Love you!  Have a good day, Dear!

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